I just read your comments on your Arizona church incident [See Arizona Church Under Seige] and have decided to say a few things about one problem in particular, from my own perspective. [Mike did not know the full extent of harassment and illegal acts until after he submitted this "Solution". See Response, below. Also see comments on the Molokan Forum]

Solution to a Problem

January 2002 

It seems to me that the Arizona Molokan Church may have many problems. My intention here is to deal with one problem only--the 'Bible vs. the Spirit and Life book' problem. My reason for focusing on this is due to the greater need for factual information on Maximisti on Rudometkin's writings, and on Rudometkin himself. We have heard plenty of legendary folklore on the subject, but not enough documented facts. I am confident that a different point of view, given from a different perspective, would be welcomed by many Molokans. My hope is that the information given here could possibly be used to help resolve this problem, in a peaceful and civilized manner. 

To the best of my knowledge, I am not aware of anyone who has ever written about the validity of Rudometkin's so-called writings, from a rational point of view, or challenged the legend of M. G. Rudometkin himself In my opinion, it would have been easier to deal with Rudometkin if he was alive. In this case, one not only has to deal with a man, but there is the added burden of dealing with his legend. And how does one deal with a legend? Perhaps truth, facts and good common sense might be of some help. I thought of giving it a try. Who knows, it might do some good. 

We have four different groups that comprise our Molokan community here in America today. All four groups share the name "Molokan". Variance among the groups at times creates friction and disharmony. It's a case of, "a house divided against itself." But why do so many of us still stick together? We have a strong social glue that consists of our common heritage, culture, language and ethnicity; intermarriages and kinships that go back generations; and lifelong friendships, for the main part. But we are all still not one united people under God.

A short condensed overview, and the differences between these groups, is as follows: 

Group #1 are Molokans who do build their faith according to the teachings of the Bible. They believe in one God, one Christ (one Mediator and Savior), Jesus Christ. They do not believe in ancestor worship. 

The name "Maximisti", derived from Rudometkin's first name, "Maxim", applies to Groups #2 and #3. Group #2 are the descendants of M. G. Rudometkin and those who intermarry with them. They comprise a small. group in comparison to the rest of Molokans, but they are assertive, influential and vocal. They regard Rudometkin as a great preceptor. However, he was arrested mainly for having multiple wives and for influencing others to do likewise, and for that reason, he was sent to prison (1).

Group #2 believes that from prison, Rudometkin ascended into heaven, literally, bodily and alive. I hate to be a bearer of bad news to Maximisti, but Rudometkin did not ascend into heaven, neither bodily nor alive. He actually died in prison of a cerebral hemorrhage, on May 13, 1877, and his body was buried "in the woods". This is well-documented (2). My condolences to all Maxiinisti.

Rudometkin's imprisonment was seen by his sympathizers as unjust. This "unjust" imprisonment turned M. G. Rudometkin into a great martyr, purportedly for the cause of truth, faith and the Holy Spirit. From martyr status, a legend was born, a legend that grew, and grew and grew. This legend was perpetuated by what is recorded in the book called "Spirit and Life." These writings claimed to be God-inspired. Some of the writings described a great "martyr", none other than Rudometkin. Preservation of this book has led to ancestor worship, which is how a legend has become a cult to some. The book has some writings that are actually written by Rudometkin. Much of the content, however, comes from different sources.

This second group builds their faith on alleged writings by Rudometkin, as they are recorded in the book, "Spirit and Life". For some, this book is the sole or primary foundation for their faith. To them, the Bible is of little or no importance. They believe Rudometkin to be a God, a new Chosen Lamb (Savior/Christ/Messiah). They believe that he will return one day from heaven with Jesus Christ. They believe that when Jesus establishes His millennial kingdom, He will turn the rulership of His kingdom over to Rudometkin.

Some Molokans (Group #1) do not regard Maximisti as being Christians, for obvious reasons as stated above. We got into this situation because a lot of good Molokans did not do enough, not wanting to get involved. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Wake up Molokans! The least you can do is to stop singing and reading from the "Spirit and Life" book.

Group #3, although not descendants of Rudometkin per se, do share everything else in common with Group # 2. Thev believe that when Rudometkin becomes a ruler in the millennial kingdom, he will give them special positions of high authority along with great privileges. This will be their "reward" for faithfully following the so-called "writings of Rudometkin." Some of them have an obsession with "pakhod". One has to be careful with this group as they are opportunistic and at times may have ulterior motives that may not be so obvious.

Group #4 is, "Do not know what they do." They blindly support Group #2 and Group #3, and are being used by both, without realizing it. It's a case of the "blind following the blind." Andy, you do not have cowboys in your Arizona church. What you have are true Molokans, who are now elderly, and who have had a lifetime of frustration seeing that the "Spirit and Life" book contains some clear cut heresies, and knowing full well that it should never have been put on the church's front table to begin with. They want their church returned to a Bible-only Christian church once again, as our original forefathers established it to be. Your elderly Molokans simply do not want to have anything on the church's front table that encourages the worship of ancestors, or promotes a "legend." They have had enough.

It saddened me to learn how much the teaching from the "good book" is missing. This is what happens when the teaching from the "good book" is substituted with a man-made legend. Our original Molokan forefathers model Heir church on the New Testament apostolic church. Unfortunately, Maximisti have perverted that model, and it was done with some subversive editing of the "Spirit and Life" writings. If the Arizona church did not have the "Spirit and Life" book on its front table, they would not leave as many problems and maybe none at all. (Note: Every Molokan Church that has the "Spirit and Life" book on its front table also has the same problems as the Arizona church...the only difference is that there have not been enough Molokans who follow Jesus only, who have been "bold" enough to take action and to speak out against the book, as there have been in Arizona.)

To believe that it is somehow incumbent upon the Maximisti to pray to Rudometkin, to worship him, and to regard him as a martyr, "new messiah", "new god", just because he went to prison, is, absolute nonsense. Keep in mind that his imprisonment was for having multiple wives and for influencing others to do the same. My hope for Maximisti is that they come to a realization of just HOW IRRATIONAL AND ABSURD THAT REALLY IS. SURELY THEY MUST HAVE SOME COMMON SENSE

Now, let's stop pretending this problem is so complex that it is beyond our comprehension. We know what the problem is and we do know what the solution is. The "Spirit and Life" book was put on the front tables of our Molokan churches under misleading and false pretenses. Unfortunately, that book has laid on our churches' tables for about seventy years, when in fact, it should not-have been there for even one moment. Christian Molokans have tolerated it for too long, showing their love and patience towards Maxsimisti. Now, let's take that book off the tables and let the Maxsimisti show, in kind, their tolerance, patience and love, to Christian Molokans. Fair is fair. One good turn deserves another.

The best advice I can give to the Arizona Molokan Church members is "keep your hands in your pockets". In light of what has already happened, you might seriously hurt yourselves, or maybe even worse. Don't play hanky-panky with a hanky. Concentrate on the far more important issue that is at stake. Take that book off your church's table and keep it off. It has misled and misdirected many people. The time has come to put that to an end. More could be said on this subject, touched on here, but this is not the time nor the place.

Andy, thanks for the soapbox! 
Michael P. Lediaev 

  1. Dingilsted, N., Zakavkazie Sectanti, 1885, pp 38-66 (in Russian) 
    Otechestvannai Zapiski, No. 11, 1878, PP 38-40 (in Russian) 
    The Christian Molokan 'Besednyik' - Spring 1992 - Vol. 5, No. 1 "Why was M. G. Rudometkin Imprisoned?" by M. P. Lediaev (in English), (This article was based on documented research material on the subject and it is extensively referenced.) 
  2. Prugavin, A.C., Monostirskii Tsurmi, p. 17 (in Russian). [The Russian Orthodox Church will bury a non-believers but usually outside their cemetery.]


Response from Editor (updated Jan 18, 2002):

First, I must thank Mike for participating in a dialog on the Internet. Many Molokans are "closet lurkers" on the web. They don't want anyone to know they are participating in this medium, and a few uncivil ones send in anonymous nasty notes. Some don't like freedom of speech.

Second, Mike did not know that the "cowboys", who left the church 10 years ago, have broken many state laws in their rebellion. Besides insulting people in other churches, they stole the entire church bank account, held an illegal meeting and election, and they persist in harassing fellow Molokans not of their immediate family. Threats of bodily harm have been taken by the police. No dialog can take place because they shout and tell people to "shut up and leave". This past Sunday they chased people from the parking lot. They are a disgrace to their cousins who no longer attend. The only remedies we have are through the police and courts. More about the legal issues later as they develop. Some of us believe that serious mental illnesses may be part of their problems.

The Arizona church was incorporated in 1936 as a "Jumper" church with the Spirit and Life already in use. In fact the first "third testament" book among American Communal Molokans was first published in Arizona. Immediately after incorporation, the Tolmachoff's (Darachatskii) chased those that organized the corporation (Selimskii) out, until 1947. The Darachatskii were afraid of the "komitet" and still are, but forgot why. (See Berokoff, Chapter 6, page 106+.)

If an American Molokan does not want to be a Jumper, then there are 3 Constant (Postoiannye) congregations to join. To bad a Constant congregation was not formed in LA. Many who left the Jumpers do not know about the Constants -- original Molokans). We can't change the corporation or our religious heritage, but we can talk about it in a civilized manner, which is not happening in Arizona..

If any one else wants to add to this please do it on the Molokan Forum.

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